Narrative (NARR)

A Narrative (NARR) can be defined as a summary or synopsis of the event that has occurred to a subject participating in the clinical study. The NARR must mention the subject ID of the patient, ethnicity and medical history of the patient, the reason why the study treatment is being given to be subject, a detailed version of the medical event that has occurred, what action was being taken after the event, a description if the event is any way related to the study drug or otherwise and a list of all vital signs of the subject. If there is any other notion being considered important by the delegate or the Principal Investigator, it should be mentioned in the NARR as well.


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“While preparing our scientific publications with Emtex, I experienced a true sense of commitment, professionalism & excellent writing quality! A great achievement was the acceptance of our publication in Pain Physician without any questions or corrections! It was the TEAM work that made the difference.”

Associate Clinical Lead